Profile of Inversionesynegocios

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Profile views: 1656 Views
Member since: 06/23/2014
Last online: 123 months ago
Online time (30 days): 0 minute(s)
Online time (total): 583 minute(s)
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Username: Inversionesynegocios
Name: - Please login -
Gender: male
City: - Please login -
Age: - Please login -
Points: 129


Project Name: OHPL Inversiones y Negocios
Project Owner Company or Person Contact and profile link: Omar Patino
Commercial Telephone: +573108575839
Project City Country: Bogota
Project Commercial E-mail: [email protected]
Type of Project: Services / Servicios
Sector: Consulting / Consultorías
Actual Project Stage / Etapa Actual del Proyecto: Desarrollo / Development
Regions you want to receive proposals: Colombia
Project Objective : Comercializar / Commercialize
Project Total Value / Valor Total del Proyecto: 250000
Requiered Value / Valor Requerido: 0
Estimated Gross Rent / Rentabilidad Bruta Esperada: 20 - 30%
Investment Time / Tiempo de la Inversion: 5 years
Describe your Project all the information will be valuable: Por intermedio de Inversiones y Negocios puede acceder a inversiones en Bogota en pequeños negocios

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